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Saturday 18 August 2018



 STEM Education is interdisciplinary approach to learning that removes traditional barriers separating the four discipline of science, technology, engineering and mathematics and integrates them into real-world, rigorous and relevant learning experience for student.

STEM focus on integration, establish relevance and emphasize 21st century skills. There are three approaches to integrated STEM which is Multidisciplinary Integration (or Thematic Integration), Interdisciplinary integration and trans-disciplinary integration. 

Multidisciplinary integration
Connects the individual discipline by organizing curriculum around common theme such as oceans or pirates that provide coherent learning experiences and shows that we can learn topic in different ways
Combine learning goals from two discipline to form a single key concept skill. For example, the earning goals of science focuses on the difference between planets and the learning goals of math focus on the ability to apply the use of ratio
Focus on real-world problem or project that makes student apply knowledge and skills from two or more discipline. For example, study about moon that include science to know the weather, English to do report and Math for the distance between earth and moon.


            In 21st century technology is everywhere. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. Integrating technology into the classroom is an effective way to connect with students of all learning styles.

The AMS created the Gen7 line of classrooms that focus on healthy, high-quality, energy-efficient learning spaces that can be delivered quickly and affordably to schools in need. Gen7 is not only transforming how classrooms are built, but what they can do. Gen7 classrooms teach students to monitor their energy usage, show them how to conserve natural resources and help them to make a difference.

STEM Classroom
    In 21st century learning, there are many modern tools that can be used for learning such as, interactive whiteboard, visualization technology such as Virtual reality and Augmented reality, digital strategies such as Makerspace and BYOD and Cloud computing. 

With the new design building, it would meet the program requirements and provide them a flexible learning environment. Student are happy to be there because they can express their passion for stem, they have a space test new thing and creative environment with fresh air. There are many modern tools that can be used for learning such as, Interactive Whiteboard, visualization technology such as Virtual reality and Augmented reality, digital strategies such as Makerspace and BYOD and Cloud computing. 

Interactive Whiteboard
    The tools that I recommended the most is Interactive Whiteboard. Interactive whiteboard improved learning. While some students are auditory learners, absorbing information efficiently through the spoken word and others are visual learner. With interactive whiteboard, it can increase participation and enhanced collaboration among student in class. Teachers must ready to implement technology in the classroom through many ways as possible. Unlike in previous decades, modern teachers recognize the critical importance technology plays in teaching tomorrow’s leaders.